Way back in one of the pulp science fiction magazines (probably If or Galaxy circa 1950-1970 but could have been a more obscure one), there was this short story about someone running for President. The story was told through a series of memoranda between the candidate and the advertising firm. The basic plot was that they'd only refer to the candidate as "The Candidate" both in the ads and on the ballot. I remember at one point they were copying popular commercials, one about a football team that led to a teamwork themed slogan. Several ordinary-looking people - one was an old woman - were selected by the advertising firm to speak for the candidate. There was also a faked assassination attempt to "explain" why the candidate remained anonymous.
Although it's old news now, the idea of the media fabricating a candidate and controlling a major election was science fiction when the story was written/published.
Any idea what story this was or who the author was?