As a Rude Boy in high school, my favorite Ska band was The Scofflaws. One of the most popular songs of their live sets was William Shatner, during which the band and the audience would run back and forth on cue, much like the characters on Star Trek would do when the Enterprise was attacked.
The following lyrics have always puzzled me:
He's captain of the crew
And he knows Kung Fu
And he did Joan Collins in 19321.
William Shatner was born in 1931; even if he was already having amorous relationships at 1 year old, he couldn't have done so with Joan Collins, because she was born in 1933. Perhaps Kirk hooked up with Joan Collins at some point, but in order to do so in the 1930's, he must have been doing some time traveling.
Note: The intro to the song uses a naughty word and mentions Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice
What is the song referring to?
1This last bit might be "in 1930, too", but either way, it poses problems.