Throughout the first two books in the Mistborn series - and even once or twice in the third, if I recall correctly - Sazed, the scholar of historical religions, will occasionally tell other crewmembers about one of these religions, usually with the suggestion that it might be one to suit them.
At the end of the third book, when Sazed
takes the power of both Preservation and Ruin, he remakes the world to how it used to be a thousand years ago, using his knowledge of ancient religions.
Many of the religions mentioned at this point are the same ones we've actually seen him preach in earlier books. I liked this, since it made clear that
the final twist of Sazed taking the power, although it seems at first sight like a random plot twist invented at the last minute just to surprise the reader, was in fact planned from the very beginning.
This dramatically increased my respect for Sanderson as a writer. I'm now wondering whether all the religions Sazed preached in earlier books were mentioned in this final stage, or just a few of them. Hence my question:
what were all the religions Sazed preached over the course of the trilogy?
Clarifications: I'm looking for the religions where he actually talked about some of their beliefs, not those where he only mentioned their names, nor those he considered privately in order to discredit them in The Hero of Ages.