I recall reading the beginning of a story, which sadly, I was never able to finish. In it I seem to recall that there was some damage to some power collectors (or some other structure) in outer space, and investigation couldn't find the cause. I seem to recall that someone was suspecting that it could be a ship from a previous lost/extinct civilization which was effectively invisible.
In any case, either they (meaning one of the investigators or a passerby who strayed or fled into the area of investigation) were stranded or somehow damaged or in some danger (possibly which the ship felt somewhat responsible for, perhaps they ran into the ship and damaged their vessel), and the ship decided to bring said person aboard. From there, various adventures were to ensue, but I had to leave, and was never able to get back to where the book was located.
The ship qualities were that it was practically invisible (radar, sensors, etc), even to direct observation (visible and non-visible light), it was sentient in and of itself, and had a much higher performance envelope that the general tech level of the rest of the setting.
I believe I read this more than 10 years ago, but less than 30 years ago, thus the 90s or early 21st century. It was in a (new, not used) bookstore. Sadly, I only was able to read the beginning part (first chapter or two) and never was able to finish it, thus my recollection and details are sketchy.