At the end of Rogue One, Darth Vader and two stormtroopers watch Tantive IV leave the Profundity. It looks like they are outside the airlock, but his cape is fluttering as if there is a stiff breeze pushing it back.
If he is exposed to the vacuum of space, then why is his cape fluttering? I was first tempted to say exhaust from Tantive IV, but that ship is too far away to explain the cape fluttering at the end of the scene.
Notice that the cape is blown back, not forward. If air was rushing out of the ship toward space, the cape would be blown to Vader's front. It is pushed back instead as if a strong breeze was blowing it.
Is he inside a force field within an airlock and the Profundity is refilling the airlock with air at such a high rate that it causes his cape to flutter in the wind?
Is this mentioned in the official novelization?
I already checked Mythbusters on this one. A flag in a vacuum moves when its rod is twisted, but it does not flap the same way it would in airflow.
No way would Vader's cape flap like that in a vacuum. It just doesn't move the same way as the US flag did on the moon. Something must be causing air flow.