The Ocean's role in Moana is an interesting one. Put simply, the Ocean does not help Moana in any way until she has attempted to sort out the problem first herself and failed. Maui even says:
The ocean doesn't help you. You help yourself.
A good example of this is when Maui tricks Moana and traps her in the cave, sailing away, away (you're welcome) in her boat. After Moana escapes and dives into the Ocean, it could have just dumped her onto the boat then and there, but it doesn't. Instead, it waits until Maui speeds away and Moana is given the choice of going after him or swimming back to the safety of land. Moana, arguably quite stupidly, tries to swim after Maui, who obviously gets away from her. It is only at this point, after Moana has tried to go after Maui and failed to reach him, that the Ocean helps her by zipping her along and depositing her on the boat.
The Kakamora incident was another large problem, but again, the Ocean would not intervene until Moana had attempted to sort things out herself. Fortunately, in this case, Moana and Maui successfully escaped with the heart (and chicken), so the Ocean's assistance wasn't necessary.
It's also worth noting that the Ocean isn't some super powerful entity that can do anything you can imagine. For example, it can't stop the massive waves during the storm from tipping Moana's boat because it has no control over them. It's quite likely that the Ocean simply isn't strong enough to overturn several massive rafts stacked high with living coconuts, even if it wanted to.