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Questions tagged [moana]

For questions about the 2016 animated Disney film Moana and the related franchise, including the soundtrack and merchandise.

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3 votes
1 answer

Why couldn't Moana see the spiral?

Moana and Maui's quest is to restore the Heart of Te Fiti to its rightful place in the spiral but when she arrives at the island, the spiral isn't immediately visible. Later in the film it becomes ...
Jontia's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What was the monster that got blasted while trying to attack Moana?

In Moana, when Moana is in the Realm of Monsters, she (almost) gets attacked by this monster: What is this monster? Does it have a basis in Polynesian mythology?
Mithical's user avatar
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73 votes
3 answers

Was the mythology in "Moana" based on an established myth?

I just recently finished watching the film Moana. The plot includes the Realm of Monsters, complete with upside down giant crabs, a shape-shifting demigod with a magical hook, a giant lava monster, a ...
Mithical's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why didn't Maui just build a boat?

I recognize that this is actually partially answered here but I thought this was worth asking on its own for an answer that addresses it directly. Maui is stuck on an island for a thousand years. We ...
Broklynite's user avatar
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7 votes
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How come Te Ka intercepted Maui in the middle of the ocean?

Te Fiti becomes Te Ka shortly after her heart is removed by Maui. He flies away from the island, and eventually encounters Te Ka. How did Te Ka intercept Maui in the middle of the ocean? We learn ...
Saturn's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why didn't the ocean help against the Kakamora?

I just watched Moana - and it has been bothering me how the ocean is so useful sometimes and then it just ignores Moana when the Kakamora come up to steal the heart. Even Moana complains about it and ...
Saturn's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Does Maui have the power of illusion without his hook?

Originally I thought that the fun animated sequence (starting at 1:43) when Maui is singing "You're Welcome" was just for our benefit. Then I noticed that right at the end of the song when Maui spins ...
Erik's user avatar
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55 votes
1 answer

What is the translation of the lyrics in Moana's "We Know the Way"?

I was a bit disappointed to find out that the subtitles for the Moana Blu-ray did not include the original or translated lyrics for "We Know the Way". Here's the song in full, and the beginning of ...
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30 votes
1 answer

Why can't Maui float?

In his song "You're Welcome", Maui sings this line: 'Cause, I'm gonna need that boat, I'm sailing away, away, You're welcome [You're welcome], 'Cause Maui can do everything but float. We see ...
Skooba - Stands Against AI's user avatar