In Thor: The Dark World, Heimdall looks bald, maybe because he is wearing a helmet throughout the film, but in Thor: Ragnarok he has long dreadlocks.
Where did his hair come from? Did he have hair in The Dark World?
In Thor: The Dark World, Heimdall looks bald, maybe because he is wearing a helmet throughout the film, but in Thor: Ragnarok he has long dreadlocks.
Where did his hair come from? Did he have hair in The Dark World?
As guardian of the BiFrost, he appeared to keep his hair short to accommodate his helmet.
With helmet:
We can safely surmise that after he abandoned his post (because of Loki impersonating Odin) and he lived away from the city, he let his hair grow out.
Side note: In Thor's vision of Ragnarok (Age of Ultron), his hair is still short.