I've only seen this movie once, and it was over twenty years ago, so bear with me and my lack of details.
- Movie was in English and looked to be new when I saw it
- Main character is a young boy, probably around eight or nine
- He might be the only child of a single mom (possibly has a sister)
- The cast was all white
- There's a legend or something about a local stone or statue in the park that grants wishes
- The boy wishes for his mom to find someone new and his wish is granted
- At the end of the movie the boy goes back to the statue to wish his mom and the new guy get married
- His mom and the guy find him asleep near the stone/statue late at night (I guess he ran away to make the wish)
- He has a sweet spaceship bunk bed thing where the top is the bed and below that is this whole cockpit setup with a bubble window and everything