I need the name of a 2D platformer PC video game which was probably released between 2000-2010.
The main characters are a teenage boy and a girl which I am sure of.
It's an action/adventure themed game that has some time travel elements in it like portals and such, the target audience would be kids/teenagers (zero nudity and less violence)
The game's look is a bit similar to Ubisoft's Rayman and has animation that's similar to the cartoon Ben 10.
The game is an international release and i'm thinking it might be an offline PC game. Me and my brother used to play this in a normal computer at an internet cafe 10-12 years back.
It's not in the lists given in comments but thanks for sharing. The game I played isn't entirely time portal related, it has some creatures as villains (probably aliens). It's an adventure platform PC game but with good graphics like Rayman. It's definitely before the year 2008 that and definitely not a 8 or 16-bit game of which I am sure of.