At the very last (and rather controversial) scene of BBC's 2020 Dracula series, the Count and Van Helsing are seen having sex at the center of the Sun:
However, it was left unclear if this really happened, was a dream or even a metaphor of some sort.
Arguments for having really happened:
The Count has demonstrated several impressive supernatural powers, e.g. is immortal, can turn into bats, can create mist, can hypnotize his victims, can control animals etc etc.
Also, the Count
is not damaged by the sunlight! Albeit, he realizes this only at the end.
Finally, it is shown that vampires in general are not destroyed by fire, hence the Count may have really survived at the core of the Sun.
Arguments for being a dream:
While feeding on his victims he can cause them to dream, presumably to pacify them.
This is relevant as
just moments before, the Count was seen committing suicide by feeding on a dying (from cancer) Van Helsing since a dying person's blood is venom for a vampire.
So, did this scene really happen or was it a dream?