I'm the biggest fan of the Full-Body Bind and I was shocked to see what happened after the last use of the curse in Deathly Hallows (chapter 36).
Harry pulled the Invisibility Cloak from inside his robes, swung it over himself, and sprang to his feet, as Neville moved too.
In one swift, fluid motion, Neville broke free of the Body-Bind Curse upon him;
How did Neville do this? I could maybe believe that he used the counter-curse non-verbally, but the "swift, fluid motion" part suggests that he did it by brute force, despite the rest of the series putting me under the impression that this was impossible. For example, if it were possible, I certainly would've expected Harry to break free of it near the end of Half-Blood Prince, or for any of the bigger Death Eaters to be able to break free when they were hit by it in any of the last three books. I wasn't even aware that attempting to move while under this curse was possible.