I love spooky paranormal stuff (though I don't believe a lick of it) and am curious to know the origins of this eerie illustration of a Grey alien. I've seen it reposted online a lot, but with no source.
To narrow down the sources, it is NOT:
- Ted Seth Jacob's painting for Whitley Strieber's Communion https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/ce/Communion_book_cover.jpg
- any of Kesara's UFO artwork (as far as I can tell, as her art has a slightly amateurish quality, but correct me if I'm wrong)
- this reposted behind the scenes image of one of the animatronics used for Intruders (1992) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ECg0tlpW4AIkOYU.jpg
I tried reverse image searching but I just got gibberish results and more reposts. Would love to know the source image!