I know that staff turnover on a long-running (and complicated) television show like "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" is common, but does anyone know any specific details behind the departure of producer Peter Allan Fields after season two?
I was browsing through an episode guide the other day and noticed that the episodes where he received writing credit are among DS9's best (e.g. "Duet", "The Circle", "Necessary Evil", "In the Pale Moonlight"). Did he leave to work on other projects? Was he more interested in writing than all of the other work that goes into producing TV?
To clarify, I am curious why he left his staff position as producer. I'm aware that he continued writing the occasional teleplay for the show. I just wonder if there was some behind-the-scenes reason for his departure.
The third season (and beyond) marked a shift in focus for the show (from the political and religious conflicts on Bajor to the Dominion); you have to wonder if that played any role in his departure.