A very long time ago (25 years +) I borrowed a sci-fi book from my local library, and I pretty much forgot almost everything about the book itself, but it did introduce me to several snippets of amazing poetry.
Including, but not limited to the "Tiger, Tiger" and "Stars, I have seen them fall" in the title of this question.
It also includes at least this poem:
't is avond, boven het open veld breekt een sterrengolf zonder geruis.
Weergekeerd is de zeeman van zee, de jager is veilig thuis.
As you can see, I read this book in the Dutch translated version, and I could not find a match for this text in English. This one seems closest, but doesn't exactly fit the bill:
Under the wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live and gladly die, And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me: Here he lies where he longed to be; Home is the sailor, home from sea, And the hunter home from the hill.
One tiny snippet I actually remember from the books is that at one point the party breaks into some sort of facility and discovers a clone in a pod... after activating her, they soon find out that she has gone insane because she was sentient the whole time that she was trapped there... Imagine the horror, it was a punishment worse than death without even getting a chance to commit an actual crime. But somehow she manages to seduce? or psychically control? one of them before they finally put her out of her misery.
It doesn't help in my internet searches that my muddy memory tells me the name of the clone in the pod was "Jennifer 8", but there's actually a movie with that name. So I might have that completely mixed up, idk.
So the obvious question is, can anyone help me find the title of this series?