My girlfriend read a book when she was a kid about a boy who was hit by lightning and sent to a different universe or planet or something (her memory is fuzzy on the details).

That's all she can remember.

Does anyone have any idea of the possible title of this book?

  • 1
    When did she read it, was it a new book at the time, was it in English?
    – Mr Lister
    Commented Feb 2, 2013 at 8:29
  • Reminds me of the Den short from Heavy Metal. But that was the Loknar, not lightning.
    – Omegacron
    Commented Apr 23, 2015 at 18:52

3 Answers 3


Taking a wild shot at this, my guess based on the fuzzy details would be "Fireball" by John Christopher.


Depending on how recently she was a kid, it could be The Transal Saga by Gary Paulson. It's a beam of light, not lightning though.


"Through the Lightning Gate" by Jim Eldridge could be possibility: Synopsis from the back cover:

Meet Freddy A. Kennedy - alias Freak. He's seventeen and pretty cool with it - but nothing could have prepared him for being zapped through the lighting gate... into a world where tribes of lizard-creatures and snarling dog-people prowl the streets night and day.

Enter Eon, the lion woman. She's the only one Freak meets who doesn't try to tear him limb from limb - she even helps him understand what's going on. So when Eon disappears, captured by the evil warlord Angel, Freak plans a rescue mission.

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