TOS has (including Naked Now) only 5 (of 72), one doesn't meet the definition.
TAS has 1 of 22
Movies: ST IV, Generations, First Contact, and the Alternate Timeline ST. Note that neither Generations nor the Alternate Timeline actually meet the requirements. 2 of 12, then.
TNG's 12 listed include several that don't meet the Question's limited definitions. Time Squared is only 6 hours, but the time disconnect is vital to the plot. Cause and Effect is a temporal loop, as is We'll always have Paris. Tapestry might not actually be time travel, but merely a projection by Q; likewise for All Good Things. Timescape involves only a few minutes of actual time travel. THis leaves either 6 or 8, depending on if one believes Q was actually having Picard move through time, or just displaying information. Also, note that I count Time's Arrow Part I and Time's Arrow Part II as separate. So 6 or 8 of 178
DS9 has 11 episodes, including a two-episode story. Only one, The Sound of Her Voice, doesn't appear to meet the requirements, since the only thing travelling through time is signal. 10 of 176.
Voyager is 12 of 172, including a two-episode story. Parallax and Time and Again are short travel. Eye of the Needle is communication-only. Death Wish involves Q; it may or may not be actual temporal travel. Timeless involves only communications, and for once, only one way. So, 7-8 episodes meet the criteria.
Enterprise has 10, including two two-part ones. Future Tense involves multiple very short temporal jumps of a few minutes each, and so doesn't count. Thus, 9 of 98.
Series TT Eps (Eps that meet Criteria) of Total Episodes
TOS: 5 (4) of 78
TAS: 1 of 22
Mov: 4 (2) of 12
TNG: 12 (6 or 8) of 178
DS9: 11 (10) of 176
Voy: 12 (7 or 8) of 172
Ent: 10 (9) of 98