Throughout many of the works concerned with the Clone Wars, there is constant refrain of heavy casualties suffered by the Jedi during the War, with the Order stretched thin in numbers, and even young padawans being deployed to War.
The questions about number of Jedi before Clone Wars and number of Jedi at time of Order 66 put both figures to be around 10,000. The difference seems to be that the previous number is the number of Jedi Knights and the latter of Jedi (presumably including Initiates and Padawans, and possibly also the Service Corps?).
As such, is there any other G-canon (The Clone Wars cartoon, perhaps?) or lower-canon source which gives
1) either any numbers on the the casualties suffered by the Jedi before Order 66 eliminated 99% of them?
2) or, indirectly, any numbers on the Initiate + Padawan (+ Service Corps?) population of the Jedi, which we could then take to be about equivalent to the presumed CW casualties pre-Order 66.
ETA: Possibly an answer to the question of how many young Initiates became Apprenticed, and how many 'flunked out' of the program into the Service Corps would also be helpful.