In the season two episode "A Spider in the Web,", Garibaldi mentions to Talia that "tea just happens to be [his] third favourite thing in the universe."
Do we ever learn what his first two favourite things are in the universe?
In Midnight in the Firing Line, we learn that Daffy Duck Cartoons are his second favorite thing
Afterward, if you like, you can stop by my quarters and I can show you my favorite thing in the universe.
Okay, okay, my second favorite thing in the universe.
The implication being that having sex is his absolute favourite thing.
On the excellent Midwinter site, JMS points out that Garibaldi's third favourite thing is whatever the woman is having, essentially that he's just using it as a pickup line:
Basically, Garibaldi's third favorite whatever the member of the opposite sex is having....
I believe his favorite thing in the universe is his father's recipe for pasta. But I'm digging into my brain bank from 20 years ago, so not positive...