Ok, so there is a saying in the cold-injuries field, "you aren't dead until you’re warm and dead".
But I mean, come on. How do they really expect us to believe that
Oliver Queen fell the equivalent of almost 9 stories onto rock and lived?
Forget for a minute even about the fact that immediately prior to this he was stabbed directly through the chest with a broad blade sword, which by itself would almost certainly cause a person to bleed out instantly, no matter how cold it is. The location of the piercing, if it missed the heart, would have severed almost half of the primary arteries to the heart. No-one could recover from that.
But let's just forget about that half of his certain death for a moment.
I paused the video and estimated that the distance he fell was the equivalent of almost 9 stories. That's over 100 feet high, maybe close to 120 feet.
Using this calculator, I calculated that if a 250lb (approximate weight of the Arrow) person fell 120ft (the approximate distance he fell) then he would be moving at about 58miles per hour when he hit solid, frozen rock.
Consider that's the equivalent of stepping in front of a tractor trailer in the middle of the highway, and he doesn't hit his brakes. This reminds me of the scene in the Miami Vice movie when the guy walks away from his Ferarri that's parked on the side of the highway after finding out his whole family was just murdered and gets hit by a tractor trailer. It only shows a streak of blood, but you get the picture. I couldn't find the scene on youtube, but I did find this falling watermelon dropped off a stadium, which should give a similar picture of what Oliver Queen should look like after that fall (keep in mind this is about half or maybe 1/3 of the height that Oliver Queen fell):
Here's a screenshot of what would be left of Oliver Queen:
But here is what he looked like instead:
I made this animation from the video clip. Judge for yourself.
So tell me, what plausible solution, if any, can they possibly give to explain surviving this completely impossible fall?