In A New Hope those guns had to be manned, by Han and Luke. Those guns are also in bubbles, which add a certain amount of risk to those manning them.
The Rebels had every ship manned that they could, which required a lot of manpower. Also, my impression was that the Millenium Falcon, in that case, was primarily a command ship and secondarily an attack ship. While Lando was in the pilot's seat, he had a co-pilot and someone else, who seemed to be handling secondary needs, like navigation and communication. It's very possible they didn't want to put two more men in that one ship. (Also, with 3-4 people in that ship as it was, adding two would mean losing one ship would take out 6 crew members, which makes it a much higher risk than losing one man in a fighter.)
It's also possible it was given the specific mission to target the power core, which they knew would mean flying through narrow spaces and didn't want to put men in the bubbles to man the guns.