Linked Questions

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Are lasers better than bullets? [duplicate]

A question I've always had when watching the Star Wars franchise is: Why use laser guns? I understand it's a different galaxy and technology may have advanced differently than on earth, but surely at ...
FreshWaterTaffy's user avatar
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Would metal bullets be more effective against a lightsaber? [duplicate]

I've been wondering, we always see lightsabers reflecting blaster lasers which, supposedly, are raw energy. We get no indication that there is actually any substance to a lightsaber's blade, so wouldn'...
Finian's user avatar
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Why don't Muggle-born wizards use Muggle technology to fight Death Eaters?

We know that wizards in the Harry Potter universe are subject to regular physical harm (e.g. witness injuries from being hit by Bludgers or just colliding with things when playing Quidditch). ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
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Why don't they use gunpowder in the Star Wars universe?

Especially in the Republic era when the use of the lightsaber was more common, why didn't anybody use chemical propellants (real life modern guns)? A modern-day assault rifle has at least 10 times the ...
vsz's user avatar
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Would a lightsaber melt or vaporize a bullet?

Related: Why would a slug thrower be more effective against a lightsaber/Jedi than a blaster? Assuming that a lightsaber is a magnetically-contained tube of plasma (although theories are abound as to ...
Steam's user avatar
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Why do snipers use blaster fire instead of bullets?

I wish to extend on this question in a more specific context: sniping. A professional sniper, whether as an assassin or in battlefield conditions, has several priorities: Strive for a 1 shot 1 kill ...
thegreatjedi's user avatar
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Can slugthrowers penetrate stormtrooper armour?

Many Star Wars fans claim no (including on this site, I see the claim often backed by no citation), as does one journal entry for Star Wars Rebels: Rebel Journal by Ezra Bridger (at least according to ...
Ghoti657's user avatar
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Are blaster bolts affected by gravity?

In Star Wars: Battlefront (2015) blaster bolts are affected by gravity, like bullets shot by weapons in Battlefield games. Is this right? Are blaster bolts affected by gravity in the same way that ...
Edge1337's user avatar
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Why do people keep shooting at Jedi?

In the movies and the various TV shows shooting blasters at Jedi is shown to be utterly ineffective. They bat the blasts away like flies with their lightsabers. As was noted in this question shooting ...
user's user avatar
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What do energy weapons in the Star Wars universe actually fire, and why are they better than projectile weapons? [duplicate]

In the films it's obvious that whatever the blasters and turbolasers are firing, they aren't lasers. The bolts travel way slower than the speed of light. So slow in fact that people with ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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Were guns ever used as standard issue equipment for Star Wars armies?

Guns, known as slug throwers, are inferior to blasters in most regards, adding the complexity of bullet ballistics that blasters don't deal with. But specialized units, improvised guerilla forces, and ...
PausePause's user avatar
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Is there any indication that stormtrooper armor protected the wearer from harm? [duplicate]

In the Star Wars movies stormtroopers tend to die from a single hit no matter from what weapon or on what location. A single blaster hit anywhere on their armor is all that is needed to take them out. ...
vsz's user avatar
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