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Questions tagged [artemis]

This tag is to be used on questions about Andy Weir's "Artemis: A Novel".

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16 votes
1 answer

When does the novel "Artemis" take place?

I've just finished reading Artemis by Andy Weir. The story narrated in the novel takes place into our Moon, in the fictional and eponymous city of Artemis. I don't recall having read a specific year ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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5 votes
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How is heat of the city of Artemis disposed?

In the novel Artemis by Andy Weir it is told that the heat generated by harvester's engine/battery cannot dissolve into the air and rise to the sky because there is no atmosphere. Therefore the heat ...
jumbo's user avatar
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Why is name of one "bubble" of Artemis Shepard?

In recently launched book Artemis (by Andy Weir), we see that Artemis, the first city on the moon, is made of five huge interconnected spheres called "bubbles". Armstrong Bubble sits in the middle, ...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
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2 answers

Light a cigar in 100% O2 - what happens? [closed]

Weir's new novel Artemis: A Novel just arrived on my kindle. Chapter 1: A rich guy lights a cigar, with an apparently ordinary lighter, in a 100% O2 atmosphere and Why The atmosphere pressure is ...
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