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Questions tagged [cities-in-flight]

For questions about the books of James Blish's "Cities in Flight" series and universe (1950-1962): the novels "They Shall Have Stars" (1956), "A Life for the Stars" (1962), "Earthman, Come Home" (1955) and "The Triumph of Time" (1958) plus related short fiction.

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10 votes
1 answer

What was the original name of James Blish's "IMT"?

In James Blish's Cities in Flight novel, Earthman Come Home, what was the original name of the rogue city known as IMT (Interstellar Master Traders)? Did Blish expect that the alert reader would be ...
Yammerhant's user avatar
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5 votes
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What is the Vegan home planet in 'Cities in Flight'?

In James Blish's Cities in Flight tetraology there are mentions of the war between Earth colonists and the Vegan Confederation that ruled half the galaxy. Naturally the Vegans come from Vega, or ...
M. A. Golding's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

James Blish, Cities in Flight series reading order

Is it important to read the four books in order? (are they merely set in the same 'universe', or is it on ongoing saga?) I've just picked up the fourth book, and I've enjoyed the first few chapters ...
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