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Questions tagged [folklore]

A traditional body of stories and customs about supernatural beings within a culture.

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In-universe, is Gesar the same person as the central Asian folk hero?

The head of the Moscow Night Watch in Sergei Lukyanenko's Watch series is named Gesar. When I asked about why the Russian name Гесер (Geser) is transliterated to English as Gesar, I learned about the ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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16 votes
10 answers

Are the supposed names of beasts/wesen in Grimm based on folklore or history?

Are the supposed names of beasts (or "wesen") in the television show Grimm based on folklore, history, or are they made up for the show? Examples: Blutbaden Reinigen
C. Ross's user avatar
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3 answers

What was the origin of the idea that dragons can take human form?

Everything I knew of dragons as a child involves them being huge lizard-like beings, usually with wings. Most fairy tales and popular fantasy works (such as the Hobbit) follow that pattern. I've ...
George T's user avatar
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4 votes
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Does the idea of a human being tricking demons (a bit like Constantine) come from folklore or some particular story predating Hellblazer?

A few years ago, I started reading the Hellblazer comic-book series, and while I enjoyed it a lot, I felt that the concept of a human being tricking demons (something the character Constantine is ...
J-J-J's user avatar
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Where did the idea of living toys, dolls, and dummies come from?

Where is the first use of a self animated doll, dummy or toy, in fiction or legend?
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