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Questions tagged [house-of-suns]

For questions about "House of Suns", a 2008 book by Alastair Reynolds, set in a far future where humans have spread across the galaxy.

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Can shatterlings clone themselves in House of Suns?

I very much like House of Suns, but I do have a question which might be obvious. Can shatterlings clone themselves? They have the technology, and it could be used to restore their numbers if some are ...
Gary's user avatar
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House of Suns: Is Dr. Meninx death really an accident?

Is his death really an accident or he was killed by someone? I find Hesperus character as problematic as Dr. Meninx in the book, but nothing that gives him the motive aside from Mr. Meninx dislike of ...
Zch's user avatar
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In House of Suns, how are shatterlings able to live for so long?

In the novel, it's implied that one of the ways for civilizations to escape early extinction is for them to become organized into Lines, where each line consists of a thousand or so shatterlings. ...
Daud's user avatar
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House of Suns: How do stardams contain unstable stars?

In Alistair Reynold's House of Suns, there is the concept of creating a 'stardam' to prevent unstable stars from destroying nearby systems when they blow up. It says: A billion or so years later, we ...
Daud's user avatar
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In House of Suns, what was the role played by Dr Meninx?

That is, what was his role in the larger context of the story? Was he just a character to be sacrificed to temporarily cast doubt on Hesperus? Or was he just meant to be an example of the fact that ...
Yawar's user avatar
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House of Suns: Which shatterling was Abigail Gentian?

Was it ever revealed or hinted at which of the 1000 Gentian shatterlings was the original Abigail Gentian? I know Purslane found something that looked like Palatial in the secret stasis chamber on ...
Ingmar's user avatar
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House of Suns - What does Hesperus scratch onto the wine glass?

In House of Suns, Hesperus scratches a figure resembling a spoked wheel into a wine glass with his thumbnail. Does this represent the: Remnants of the supramundane ring around Neume? or the or is ...
Richard Terrett's user avatar