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Questions tagged [lost-girl]

For questions about the Canadian super-natural TV series "Lost Girl" starring Anna Silk as a Succubus named Bo who doesn't realise what she is and slowly learns to control her abilities as she discovers her origins.

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3 votes
1 answer

Supplemental canon material to Lost Girl tv show

I just finished watching the Canadian T.V. series Lost Girl and am feeling bit... lost. Plot points and character motivations seemed to vanish between episodes which made me wonder if I was missing ...
Sethen's user avatar
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Film set for Lost Girl 4.3 same as Hemlock Grove season 2?

The exterior and interior of the house shown in Lost Girl season 4, episode 3 ("Lovers Apart") looks nearly identical to Olivia Godfrey's house in Hemlock Grove, season 2. Was the same location used?
SheyF's user avatar
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What food source did the Fae use before humans?

The opening blurb of Lost Girl says that the Fae are "an evolutionary branch that predate humans". In episode 202 (i.e. 2nd episode of 2nd season), the other tree-named-head-honcho-Fae-person (sorry, ...
Martha's user avatar
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10 answers

Is "Lost Girl" set in any particular city/location?

In the US, the Syfy channel has so far shown the first three episodes of the first season of Lost Girl. I've watched them all, but perhaps not attentively enough: I don't recall if any of the ...
Martha's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does Bo trust Kenzi?

Having watched the end of series one, it seems that Bo struggles to trust Dyson, doesn't trust any of the Fae leadership, doesn't trust Lauren, (so it isn't just Fae she doesn't trust), but she has an ...
Schroedingers Cat's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Why does no-one notice the large population of Fae in Lost Girl?

Bo seems to be told a couple of times that there are a whole range of different Fae types, and in The Mourning After, Saskia mentions that that there are a number of types of succubus. Given that ...
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