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Questions tagged [prequels]

A sequel to a film, TV series, comic or novel which is set chronologically earlier than the release which preceded it.

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7 votes
2 answers

Why did the Jedi think that killing Count Dooku and General Grievous would end the war?

In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Yoda demonstrates knowledge of the Rule of Two. However, in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, the Council seems to fully expect defeating Dooku ...
Conner's user avatar
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1 answer

Why did the Jedi Order’s ability to use the Force diminish in the prequels?

In Attack of the Clones, after they learn from Obi-Wan about the secret clone army created under the Kaminoans, Mace Windu tells Yoda that it might be time for them to admit to everyone that their ...
Lukavi_Wifalc_1119's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Prequel to First Men in the Moon?

In the first chapter of First Men in the Moon, Wells writes: And this book is the sequel. The Wikipedia page for First Men says it is preceded by Love and Mr Lewisham, however, the plot of Love ...
Merlin -they-them-'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't Qui-Gon suspect Darth Maul may have been after Anakin?

I heard this on RedLetterMedia's commentary track and was wondering if this plot-hole can be resolved. Here are some more stretches in logic and general assumptions by even more characters. When ...
The Discounted One's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

Was Boss Nass a Gungan?

I'll admit that this seems a silly question, but after observing the images from this recent question I had the obvious realization that other than skin tone and dress, Boss Nass looks absolutely ...
RLH's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Can I read Kill Order before Maze Runner?

I have been very eager to read The Maze Runner. But I have received the book Kill Order as a gift. Generally I am against reading prequels before reading the actual series, but in this case I don't ...
Brindha's user avatar
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Were there ever any plans to have Han Solo show up in the prequels?

Han Solo is arguably the only Original Trilogy main character not to appear in the Prequel Trilogy. Does anyone know if there was ever any plan for Han Solo to appear in the prequels?
Rogue Jedi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Norse mythology in Battlestar Galactica?

I just watched the prequel style movie 'Blood and Chrome' and was intrigued when I saw Norse named vessels (Valkyrie and Loki) I've seen all the episodes up to S2:E19 and believe up to that point ...
BadMike01's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Are there any meaningful differences between Star Wars prequels and their novelizations?

Are there any meaningful differences between Star Wars prequels and their novelizations? I mean differences more in the "contradictions" meaning, and not those that are of the "this detail was ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar