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Questions tagged [the-malloreon]

Use this tag for questions about the pentalogy by David Eddings (1987–1991). Use [the-belgariad] for its prequel pentalogy.

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1 answer

What was Poledra's task in the Malloreon?

I've read The Belgariad and The Malloreon, as well as Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress (several times, in fact). Most of my questions have been answered, save one: The Malloreon in ...
Julie Ritt's user avatar
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Who exactly are the people in Mal Zeth?

So in The Belgariad, we are told that the Angaraks consist of 5 tribes: Nadraks, Thulls, Murgos, Grolims and Malloreans. However in The Malloreon we learn that Mallorea consists of 4 races: Karands, ...
Rik-Makor's user avatar
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4 answers

Can The Malloreon be read without first reading The Belgariad?

David Edding's series The Malloreon, consisting of five books, is set in the same universe as his prior series, The Belgariad, also consisting of five books. (These books are not small.) Now, I've ...
Mithical's user avatar
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8 votes
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In Malloreon, Polgara suppresses a soap bar... how is that?

Ctuchik learns a final lesson, one cannot "destroy" anything, because it goes against the purpose of the universe. How does Polgara destroy the soap bar her father created in the beginning of the ...
Kheldar's user avatar
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How long do sorcerers live?

The Disciples of Aldur have lived for multiple thousand years. Do they not die of age? Why is it that the Rivan Kings died when their time came, but not their ancestors? What does it mean for ...
Narusan's user avatar
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Were all the gods mistakes, or just the one?

In both the Belgariad and the Mallorean we learn that In the Epilogue we see that the true god begins to reform his people, and that it will eventually willingly spread to the other peoples. Does ...
CBredlow's user avatar
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What did Beltira and Belkira do during the major events of the Belgariad and the Mallorean?

In the Belgariad and the Mallorean series, there is a small order of sorcerers who basically made sure things worked so that the good guys won. The main two, Belgarath and Polgara, are followed the ...
CBredlow's user avatar
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Did the Melcenes allow temples to Torak on their land?

The Melcene people were considered one of the 'godless' ones, meaning their people weren't selected by any particular god and thus remained atheist. However, they eventually merged with the Mallorean ...
CBredlow's user avatar
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2 answers

Searching for a dialogue from one of the books from Belgariad or Mallorean

I don't have access to my books and have no PDF version of them, nor being able to find it using Google (seems I'm good at find anything with Google except from book quotes) I'm searching for a ...
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