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Questions tagged [vorlons]

In the Babylon-5 universe, Vorlons are one of two ancient races that play a pivotal role in the story. Use with the [babylon-5] tag.

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Were all Vorlons telepathic?

Most sapient races in the Babylon 5 continuity had some people among them with telepathic talent and some without (the former seems to be the minority in most of these species.) Were the Vorlons ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What was Sebastian's fate after the events of the show?

Sebastian was introduced in B5 S2, E21, Comes the Inquisitor, after being summoned by Kosh to make sure Delann is acting for the right reasons; she is also warned this test will place her life in ...
Silly but True's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How could Kosh get poisoned in The Gathering?

In The Gathering, after Kosh joined, somehow Sinclair poisoned Kosh. However poisoning would require physical interaction, and since Kosh was sealed inside his encounter suit. How could he be ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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For how long were the Shadows and Vorlons at war with each other?

According to this post, we know of 3 recent Shadow Wars. One 10,000 years ago, the second 1,000 years ago and the last in the 2260s. The Shadows and the Vorlons are far older than these recent ...
RichS's user avatar
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20 votes
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Why do Vorlons live in special gaseous rooms in Babylon 5, given that Kosh can be seen walking around the station with ease?

Humans need to wear a gas-mask when visiting Kosh in his gaseous room in Babylon 5. It suggests the Vorlon species need certain atmosphere to survive, like humans need oxygen to breathe. If that is so,...
user486818's user avatar
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29 votes
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How would anybody know how to poison a Vorlon?

The Vorlons in the Babylon 5 saga are very secretive. As far as we know, only two humans ever visited their empire and lived. Vorlon territory was restricted to other alien species and (almost) every ...
RichS's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Did the Vorlons build the first jumpgates?

Supposedly the (ancient) builders of the first jump gates are unknown. The Vorlons are ancient, and keep many secrets from the younger races. We know the Vorlons have built de novo jumpgate technology ...
Ghillie Dhu's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Why did this Babylon-5 character turn against the Vorlons?

In the episode Falling Toward Apotheosis, the piece of Kosh that was inside Sheridan came out of him to fight against Ulkesh. The plan was to get Ulkesh off the Babylon-5 station so the Vorlons would ...
RichS's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Can Vorlons control their true appearance?

In Babylon 5 we are told that a Vorlon can control their appearance in regards to certain modified races, generally making themselves appear as angelic or otherwise religiously significant beings via ...
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