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80 votes

Why is the T-1000 humanoid?

As a Terminator its primary mission is infiltration and assassination. While it probably can make itself into a big cat that can run faster, that wouldn’t be very covert. Also, it needs physical ...
Jack B Nimble's user avatar
67 votes

Why is the T-1000 humanoid?

The T-1000 has no compunction about being non-humanoid (or at least not possessing the statistically usual number of arms, heads and legs) when it suits its needs. It forms stabbing and grasping ...
Valorum's user avatar
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65 votes

Why does the T-1000 want to keep the photo of John Connor?

It's useful for showing other people the photo and saying "Have you seen this kid?" This is exactly what happens at the Arcade where they first meet.
starpilotsix's user avatar
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58 votes

Why would future John risk sending back a T-800 to save his younger self?

The film's official novelisation gives us the only answer that could possibly suffice. John Connor sent the T-800 back in time to protect his younger self...because he remembered being rescued by one ...
Valorum's user avatar
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38 votes

Why would future John risk sending back a T-800 to save his younger self?

In the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles episode "Today is the Day (part 2)", young John Connor answers this question in a speech he makes to Jesse. You know, I've been running from ...
Kyle Jones's user avatar
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36 votes

Why does the T-1000 kill the trucker?

Terminators are pretty ruthless when they're 'on-mission'. There's a reasonable chance that the lorry driver (Dana Shorte) would resist even a policeman taking his rig without permission, which could ...
Valorum's user avatar
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31 votes

Where did the name "T-800" come from?

There is a deleted scene included in the "Skynet Edition" Director's Cut of Terminator 2 in which The Terminator sees himself in a mirror while he runs a diagnostic. Whilst doing so, you can ...
DisturbedNeo's user avatar
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30 votes

Why does every T-800 Terminator sent back look like this?

The question of why a T-800 Model-101 (Arnie-type) Terminator was chosen is different in each of the films. Terminator The T-800 in this film is a top-of-the-line model. It's literally the acme of ...
Valorum's user avatar
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28 votes

Which, if any, version of Terminator 2 is officially canon?

Although I personally believe it is practically impossible to agree on what's canon in a franchise that rewrites not just the past and future, but the actual rules of time travel as it goes, the ...
WolfieSmith's user avatar
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26 votes

Why did John Connor want to stop the killing of Miles Dyson?

Is there another reason John had for stopping Sarah? TL;DR No. Explanation Does he need another reason? As John says to the T-800: I don't care!! There's gotta be another way. Haven't you learned ...
Royal Canadian Bandit's user avatar
25 votes

Why does T-1000 have three arms?

The multiple hands were intentional by the film makers. James Cameron actually discusses it in the commentary on the T2 Ultimate edition DVD. He points out that in order to fly the helicopter and fire ...
skyjack's user avatar
  • 12k
25 votes

Why does the T-1000 kill the trucker?

The T-1000 wasted no more than two or three seconds impaling the trucker on its arm, and if it were in any great hurry, it logically should've been running towards the truck, rather than walking. Its ...
LogicDictates's user avatar
18 votes

If the T-1000 didnt know what John looked like as a kid then why did the T-800 know what he looked like?

The T-800 doesn't have a picture of John at that age, as far as we know. But what it does have is a detailed ... "target profile" ... consisting of John's age and probable location as well ...
Valorum's user avatar
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16 votes

Why does the T-1000 want to keep the photo of John Connor?

The T-1000 is using the photo as a tool to help him search for John, showing it to passers-by in the hopes that one of them will recognise him. This works remarkably well. EXT. 7-ELEVEN STORE - DAY ...
Valorum's user avatar
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15 votes

Why did Skynet use nuclear weapons instead of biological weapons or viruses?

I can think of two good reasons: Access Skynet had access to the US nuclear deterrent/first-strike system, and was able to activate and fire it. It wouldn't have had access to any viruses or ...
F1Krazy's user avatar
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14 votes

Where did the name "T-800" come from?

The Series 800 name is mentioned twice in the script for Terminator 2: Judgement Day: TILT UP, revealing a humanoid machine holding a massive battle rifle. It looks like a CHROME SKELETON... a high-...
Null's user avatar
  • 70.3k
14 votes

Why is the T-1000 humanoid?

I would imagine a lot of it has to do with its programming. Don't forget - at the end of the day it is a machine, and therefore governed by its program. It also comes from the future - so Skynet has ...
Chris S's user avatar
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14 votes

Why does the T-1000 kill the trucker?

To me, it simply felt like the T-1000 was being pissed off from having been outsmarted (again), and lashed out in killing the trucker. One could argue that Terminators are robots, supposed to have a ...
Jenayah's user avatar
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13 votes

Kyle Reese in Terminator 2

As you mentioned in your question, Michael Biehn appeared as Kyle Reese in Sarah's dream. And according to the info here: Michael Biehn returned to the series as Kyle Reese, a soldier from 2029, in ...
Shreedhar's user avatar
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12 votes

What game is John playing?

He's playing After Burner, as seen just before the T-1000 spots him. That particular unit appears to be the 1988 After Burner Deluxe Cabinet:
Valorum's user avatar
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10 votes

Does the T-800 punch a hole through the T-1000's head?

The script indicates that the T-800 Terminator punched clean through the T-1000's 'head'. That being said, fluidity is an integral function of the liquid metal, hence why bullets hitting it cause ...
Valorum's user avatar
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9 votes

Why does T-1000 destroy those he mimics?

Let's look at those that he copies. Officer Austin. The T-1000 stole his car and impersonates him for several days. If he'd left Austin alive, the car would have been reported stolen and his access ...
Valorum's user avatar
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8 votes

Terminator 2 Judgement Day Plot Explanation

The Terminator's primary objective was to protect John Conner. The T-800 believed that the only way to ensure John's safety was to destroy all technology brought back from the future, including ...
Geoff's user avatar
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8 votes

Why was it necessary to destroy Skynet?

I don't think "destroying Skynet" is an accurate summary of their aim; their aim is to destroy the research which will eventually make Skynet possible. That distinction is important. But ...
IMSoP's user avatar
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7 votes

Why does every T-800 Terminator sent back look like this?

Terminator 3 had a deleted scene that explained Arnold as basis for T-800s. EDIT: My answer is based off the TC first giving out of universe scenario: OK, OK, OK, ...
Unfallener's user avatar
7 votes

If the T-1000 didnt know what John looked like as a kid then why did the T-800 know what he looked like?

It makes perfect sense. The T-800 was sent back in time by John Connor to protect his younger self, just like Kyle Reese was sent back to protect his mother. It stands to reason that, just like ...
Buzz's user avatar
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7 votes

Why does the T-1000 kill the trucker?

Cold, hard machine logic. The T-1000 has determined that the most optimal way to continue its mission is to commandeer the truck. Based on the rules of the human society that the T-1000 has been ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
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7 votes

Which, if any, version of Terminator 2 is officially canon?

Terminator: Dark Fate appears to treat the theatrical cut of Terminator 2 as canon Terminator: Dark Fate opens with a scene where a T-800, sent by Skynet, successfully terminates a young John Connor, ...
LogicDictates's user avatar
6 votes

Was the T-1000 dressed at all?

No, it wasn't There are many occasions in the film where we see that the T-1000's "clothes" are just extensions of its liquid metal body. Note that I don't think any of these videos contain spoilers, ...
Jason Baker's user avatar
6 votes

Why didn't the T-1000 terminator shoot the eyes of the T-800?

Hitting the eyes wont necessarily blind it. Remember Kyle Reese shot the first terminator in the eye, and its exoskeleton socket was undamaged. •During the chase in the car lot, Kyle scored a lucky ...
Jack B Nimble's user avatar

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