The Expanse is a series of science fiction novels and short stories by James S. A. Corey (a pseudonym used by Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham). Please use [the-expanse-2015] for the 2015 TV series by the same name which is based on the book series.
The Expanse is a series of science fiction novels written by Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham under the joint pseudonym James S. A. Corey.
It consists of the following works:
- Leviathan Wakes (2011)
- Caliban's War (2012)
- Abaddon's Gate (2013)
- Cibola Burn (2014)
- Nemesis Games (2015)
- Babylon's Ashes (2016)
- Persepolis Rising (due 2017)
- Short stories:
- "Drive"
- "The Butcher of Anderson Station"
- Novellas:
- "Gods of Risk"
- "The Churn"
- "The Vital Abyss"
A TV series based on the book series, by the same name, started in 2015. Please use the tag the-expanse-2015 for questions concerning the TV show.