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  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
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19 votes

Why is Michael Burnham blamed for the Battle at the Binary Stars?

16 votes

What was the ring Varys took off?

10 votes

In-universe explanation for why is the TOS-era Enterprise is more austere than the Discovery?

8 votes

Why was the battle set up *outside* Winterfell?

8 votes

Is there evidence to suggest that Admiral Cornwell and Lethe are the same person?

8 votes

Why did Shae (falsely) implicate Sansa?

7 votes

Why Did Data's Eyes Get More Yellow?

5 votes

Why did the Enterprise not have any HAZMAT suits?

4 votes

What do Vulcans do to counter the smell of humans?

3 votes

How come all the species reached technological age and warp drive at the same time?

3 votes

How could Data kill that Borg in Descent P1?

3 votes

Is Data's brain more akin to organic neural networks, or software running on hardware?

3 votes

Why is Drogon so much better in battle than Rhaegal and Viserion?

2 votes

Why was there a pit in the Emperor's chamber on Death Star?

2 votes

Why does the Terminator (T-800) have a HUD?

1 vote

Why was the 'Holdo maneuver' not used earlier?

1 vote

How did bombs fall into the Dreadnought?

1 vote

Was General Chang's ship ever duplicated?

1 vote

How could the USS Discovery remain operational for 1000 years?

1 vote

Is the universal translator an implant?

0 votes

Why does the Enterprise in "Star Trek Enterprise" look more modern than the one in the Original Series?

0 votes

Why do space ships that have technology to travel faster than light have primitive controls using toggle switches and atari graphic displays?

0 votes

Why didn't she end the war during the meeting of hands?