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Ben Murphy's user avatar
Ben Murphy
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
29 votes

Why did Hogwarts expel Hagrid?

14 votes

Other than Will Riker and Deanna Troi, have we seen on-screen any commanding officers on starships who are married?

12 votes

Does the EMH have perfect recall?

8 votes

Why are there two completely different depictions of the Nazgûl and their flying mounts in the cartoon version of The Return of the King?

8 votes

Was C-3PO the first protocol droid of his kind?

6 votes

How do Cylons (Human form) tell each other apart?

4 votes

On which planets is C-3PO knowledgeable about time manipulation and teleportation?

2 votes

Why didn’t John Connor send more people to protect Sarah Connor?

2 votes

Has transporter technology ever been used to fight Borg assimilation?

2 votes

What was the physical effect on Captain Picard of Borg assimilation?

1 vote

Has anyone tried to make 3-D chess in real life?