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Chindraba's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
Book ending with a space ship flying out of an ice floe in which it was hidden?
Sorry to hear that. Hope the book was worthy to read anyway.
Book series with people transported through time by magic
Found the clincher: Cover art for Dragonfly in Amber. Didn't know they made it into a show as well. Going to have to check into that.
Book series with people transported through time by magic
This has potential. Don't recall anything about the "current" time such as WWII, but Jamie Fraser sounds familiar.
Looking for a book set on a generationship
Reading the Wikipedia entry linked, I'd have to say that this is likely not the one the OP read. Generation ship is about the only "connection" I can see.
What was Steve Rogers's phone number?
@JordanStefanelli The Country Code is the first part of a phone number, when used. The "exchange" is the first three digits in a 7-digit number for US phone numbers. In the exchange for US phone numbers anything in the 000-199 range is not supported. They are currently reserved for future expansion if needed. The Country Code and the exchange are totally different parts of a the number and a 1 being supported in one does not mean it is supported in another part of the number plan.
Escape Pods on the original Constitution-class
@templerman Of course G.R.'s Capt. couldn't get into a no-win situation. Not even the Kobayashi Maru could defeat him.
Escape Pods on the original Constitution-class
@templerman It proves nothing but it does suggest they were there and just not in the plot. As to lack of markings for them just remember the era when TOS first ran. Critical analysis by fans was not a "thing" back then. They were much more concerned with social reactions than fans. Imagine the nation's reaction to a white Capt. kissing his black communications officer in the mid-60's!
Escape Pods on the original Constitution-class
Are you sure the saucer section could separate in TOS? I thought it was a new element introduced in TNG with the upgraded "D".
What was Steve Rogers's phone number?
The exchange beginning with a "1" is fictitious by default, as such exchanges are not yet allowed in North America. So, it will get the given message anyway. However, is it possible that there is some other Easter Egg in the number using cipher techniques? Or in relation to something else in the movie, or its cast?
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