There is a well-known image from James Cameron's science-fiction movie Aliens (1986) showing Ripley and Newt escaping from the queen and her xenomorphic fellows (see below). One of the two heroines (I assume it is Newt) holds a tubular item in her left hand. Does anybody know what item that is?
Author's Edit:
The answer given below states that the tubular item is the neck of Newt's doll Casey - and the answer is right. My initial assumption, that this image shows the final escape from the alien queen was wrong. The picture is from an earlier scene where Ripley and Newt try to flee from a facehugger by crawling under a bed. Hence, the image shows them lying on the floor.
The misleading issue is the fact that the picture does not have the correct orientation: it was rotated by 90 degrees. However, this photo has been floating around with that false orientation for years (and probably decades). I found it recently in a TV magazine. To prove that the image orientation was incorrect a priori (thus absolving me of guilt), I am providing a larger version with the magazine's image caption written onto the picture. The text is German and could be literally translated as: "Newt (Carrie Henn, r.) has escaped from the aliens, Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) quickly brings her to safety". (This sentence would be basically correct for both scenes.) Here is the extended image:
Now that the question is answered, I am wondering why the image has been around all these years with that deceptive orientation.