Some recent questions on The Great Outdoors about long term survival tactics prompt this question about a story I read long ago. The story was probably in Analog, but I am not sure.
Civilization is slowly collapsing. No reason is given. For example, electric power becomes sporadic, then finally goes out. Two sisters, one a dancer with a promising career, live in a very sparsely populated area, and gradually become isolated. They have a generator, and conserve their fuel supply. In one key scene, the dancer turns on her player to have music to dance to -- one last time.
They successfully garden, but the obvious signs of habitation attract a wanderer, who rapes one of the sisters; she has a baby as a result. Finally, the sisters decide that it is too dangerous to remain in their house, and set off into the wilderness with one book -- I think it was a field guide to edible vegetation, but I am not sure. They had also figured out how to make acorns edible, and I think they took a bag of prepared acorns with them.
The ending gave me a feeling of desolation.