Story is a YA book, involving a high-school super soldier.
Facts I recall from the story:
- The super-soldiers were girls, IIRC all clones
- Super soldier research project had a half moon as its symbol
- Some genetic engineering was involved in the gene line
- Somehow, this genetic engineering also gives the girls skills
- Super-soldier project was shut down and some of the researchers took a couple of girls each to raise as their own. Protagonist's adoptive mother was one of the researchers.
- The girls are all "defective" in some way, protagonist is one of them and is hard of hearing.
- Protagonist has some (2,3?) non-super friends at her high school.
Scenes I recall:
- First scene, protagonist is in classroom, and reflects how she prefers it when her teacher shaves, since then she can lip-read what he's saying.
Protagonist and other super soldiers get captured and brought together. IIRC this is the first time the protagonist meets other super soldiers, or at least the first time she meets some of them.
The girls receive half-moon pendants from their captors, with implanted hidden microphones.
Someone has an allergic reaction to a metal (IIRC, in a bracelet). They get around this by coating the metal in clear nail polish to avoid contact.
This scene gets called back to after the capture, as the protagonist recalls the trick and uses the same idea to disable her pendant microphone.
- When escaping her captors, the protagonist unlocks her (latent) lockpicking skills.
Looking this up just for nostalgia's sake, IIRC it wasn't that good. Originally read it in Dutch in the early 2000's, but I don't recall a precise date.