In Star Trek Discovery S1:E4 The Butchers Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry we see the Discovery receiving a distress call from Corvan 2, a mining planet that's under attack by Klingons.
Corvan 2 is a chief dilithium producer for Starfleet, and no other ships are close enough to help, so Lorca decides to use the experimental spore drive of his ship and zip right over.
There, Lorca commands the ship to kill the Klingons and save the Colony. It's not clear whether he fires phasers or uses another weapon.
Indeed, one commentator writes:
How did Lorca kill the klingons? Drop a bomb n spore away or was it effects of spore drive?
My question is: How does Lorca kill the Klingons on Corvan 2 in The Butcher's Knife Cares not for the Lamb's Cry?