In several episodes you get a rehashing of Dr. Farnsworth and Mom's relationship but it always seems to start in different ways. How many times did they actually date?
1 Answer
They appear to have dated on 4 separate occasions (dates taken from this timeline):
2881: Dr. Farnsworth designs Q. T. McWhiskers for Mom's Friendly Robot Company, but then breaks up with Mom after she suggests making it into a giant weapon. (episode: "Mother's Day")
2927: Dr. Farnsworth designs the fuel-inefficient sport-utility robot, from which is derived all future robot designs, leading to global warming. In 2931 he breaks up with Mom again and leaves the company. (episode: "Crimes of the Hot")
2970: Dr. Farnsworth returns to the company and discovers dark matter. It is at this time that he fathers Igner, but Mom leaves him for her ex-husband. (movie: Bender's Game)
3001: The two get back together briefly for some "hot, dry sex". (episode: "Mother's Day")
"Nothing in here except for a couple of elephant skin rugs."– DampeS8NCommented Jun 15, 2012 at 3:03