In The Orville, Lt. Janel Tyler is introduced as a new member of the ship. In 2x04 "Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes", it is revealed that
she is actually a Krill soldier who underwent genetic manipulation to appear human so she could be implanted on board the Orville, and is seeking to revenge in response to their comrades being killed by the humans
This seems to have a lot of similarity to Star Trek: Discovery and the storyline of Lt. Ash Tyler. In 1x11 "The Wolf Inside" (which aired a year and three days earlier), it is revealed that
he is actually a Klingon soldier who underwent genetic manipulation to appear human so he could be implanted on board the Discovery, and is seeking to revenge in response to their comrades being killed by the humans
The fact that these two characters are both Lt. Tyler and that they have a virtually identical story arc suggests that this was more than coincidental.
Was Lt. Tyler's story arc in The Orville a deliberate reference to the story arc for Star Trek: Discovery's Lt. Tyler? And if so, has Seth MacFarlane or anybody else commented on why they did this?