This is likely Tara Duncan, a French animated show that debuted in 2010 on Disney XD, and is based on the eponymous novel series.
Tara is blonde with navy blue eyes, white wick as her ancestors and extraordinary powers (because she was genetically modified by a crazy dragon) . She has a rebellious spirit and a great need for freedom, as well as a tempestuous personality, which she makes it known quickly by charring those who are the object of her wrath.
Tara Duncan discovers that she is a powerful "spellbinder," possessing magic powers. She was raised on Earth as an ordinary teenager by her grandmother and initially knew nothing of magic. Her adventures begin when she is 12 and take her to the planet Other World and beyond. Magic is present in those worlds, as are evil wizards, giants, "vampyrs," dwarves, elves, sirens, and two-headed business administrators.
Tara's companions in her adventures include her fellow Earthling Fabrice and the friends she makes on OtherWorld: a half-elf called Robin M'angil, the licensed thief in training Caliban Dal Salan, a shapeshifting princess Gloria Daavil nicknamed "Sparrow", and a short-tempered but warm-hearted female dwarf named Fafnir.
The school has an "Alpha Team" and a "Beta Team".
Search terms of animated series grandmother dragon mentor "team a"