In Avengers: Endgame, after Scott Lang returns from the Quantum Realm, he visits the Wall of the Vanished, anxiously trying to established whether his daughter Cassie was spared -- only to discover that his own name appears on the list.

Overview of the Wall of the Vanished with the Golden Gate bridge in the background

I think it's reasonable to assume this memorial is for the city or region around San Francisco, as a national memorial would need to have 150 million entries and likely wouldn't be located in San Francisco. And similarly a global memorial falls to the same logic in the even more extreme.

Is there an estimate on the number of names at this memorial from the video evidence?

(And therefore the likely size of the region it covers?)

  • 1
    I saw at least 7.
    – Möoz
    Commented Sep 5, 2019 at 21:44

2 Answers 2


In an early version of the script for Avengers: Endgame, it showed a lot of cities with their own Wall of the Vanished so that you really get the sense of the scale of the impact from the Snap. Barring any contradictory evidence, I think we can assume every city still has these and they just weren't shown so this one would just be for the city and possibly its surrounding area.

And that theme of loss is continued when Scott Lang visits a memorial to the dead in San Francisco.

McFEELY We used to have beats in the script where there are those in every city. Millions of names.

MARKUS It’s that sense of collective trauma and the fact that if you weren’t killed, you wake up the next day — the trauma happened and I’m still here. How do we deal with this? That was the Stan Lee trick. Where’s the anxiety coming from? Now that they have Power X.

The New York Times, ‘Avengers: Endgame’: The Screenwriters Answer Every Question You Might Have

I don't think we really need to count the names on a stone, count the number of stones and estimate from there to come up with a rough figure. Instead we can use the rough population counts from our own world as there shouldn't be much of a difference. According to World Population Review the population of San Francisco in 2018, when Avengers: Infinity War took place, was 883,305 and the population of San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA Metro Area was 4,729,484. As the Snap took out "half of all life" we can figure it would take out roughly 50% of all life from San Francisco and its surrounding area. Therefore, there would be roughly between 441,652 and 2,364,742 names in the Wall of the Vanished.

  • Your wiggle room between 400k and 2M is exactly what I'm wondering about. We don't have any idea whether this Wall is for the city of San Francisco, the entire Bay Area, all of Northern California, or what? Commented Sep 4, 2019 at 16:06
  • @ThePopMachine The above quote mentions "every city" so we can narrow it down to the city and its surrounding area. To be honest I'm not American and I don't really know what "San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA Metro Area" is referring to, to be able to get a narrower window.
    – TheLethalCarrot
    Commented Sep 4, 2019 at 16:07
  • While I can't dispute the accuracy of anything you put in your response, to be honest, this isn't answering the question. The question is whether there's an estimate of the number of names depicted based on video evidence, not based on some reasoning about a comment from the screenwriters about something they didn't even put in the film. That's not canon -- and it's not even very nailed down anyhow. Commented Sep 4, 2019 at 18:05
  • The population of the Bay Area is 7M. So we could reasonably interpret this off-the-cuff comment by the screenwriters as only narrowing it down within a factor of almost 10! Commented Sep 4, 2019 at 18:08
  • @ThePopMachine It’s a reasonable answer to the question as asked just using a different more reasonable methodology. Their comment is probably either semi canon or full canon and not as low on the scale as you are are making out.
    – TheLethalCarrot
    Commented Sep 4, 2019 at 18:14

The original concept art for the walls gives us an idea of their scope. Each wall appears to have approximately 4 names per line, 80 lines and double-sided, representing around 640(ish) names per stone. The park extends for some considerable distance, but we can see that each section contains roughly 9-12 stones (6400 names) and that there are at least 24 sections, representing a total of at least 153,000 names.

enter image description here

In the film, there are 9 rows of 22 stones in the park visible. Assuming a similar name density, this is 126,000 names, approximately a third of those that vanished locally, given that the population of San Francisco city is over 800,000.

It's reasonable to assume that there are other similar-sized memorials in other parts of the city since Scott was able to walk to this park within a few minutes of his house.

  • Thank you -- I thought you'd have a go. Commented Sep 5, 2019 at 14:58
  • I guess my nitpick would be that you shouldn't base the estimate of the number of names per stone on concept art. We can get this from the movie I'm sure. Commented Sep 5, 2019 at 16:04
  • @ThePopMachine - I've checked the closeups of the stones in the films and they're similar. I didn't think it sufficiently different as to require a separate calculation.
    – Valorum
    Commented Sep 5, 2019 at 16:07

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