I regret to have to ask this, but my google-fu is clearly weak; I have tried various different methods, with no result.
The story (written on an online writing platform, and a fairly reputable if not-very-well-known one) was about a girl who had the power to control insects, and goes so far as to create her suit out of spider silk. She falls in with the ‘bad guys’, and one of them has several large dogs, and the power to control them. Some of them are nice, some are not. The story’s a lot longer (and larger in scale and more convoluted) than this, but I don’t think I finished it.
I remember that there was a prison for superheroes/supervillains that wasn’t so much a prison as a huge containment facility, and that there were a group of supervillains, who, unlike the rest, weren’t just committing crimes out of self-interest, but just out of evil (or something?). The name of the group was, I remember, vaguely (and ironically) connected with an author who wrote one or more anti-war books, I think.
I think there was a character who manipulated time in some manner, but I can’t remember what the specifics of it were.
I also seem to remember that there’s this character who zips around the world saving people constantly in a bit of a god-like fashion; they’re mysterious and I do not remember their existence being explained.
I seem to remember that the end of one of the ‘arcs’ of the story was fighting against a ‘supervillain’ that was roughly approximate to a force of nature,
I vaguely remember that it (or the main character?) was called something like Twister, or Spinner, or Crawler, or something.
In spite of my use of the words ‘supervillain’ and ‘superhero’, I remember that it was much darker, and had a lot more moral grey area involved than those words usually imply.