It's a book I read probably sometime between 2003-2007 but it may have been published much earlier, I have a vague feeling it was from the 1990s. I'm in the UK.
Stuff that I remember (sorry it's so vague!):
- I think the cover was dark blue with stars on. It's quite a long book. It's sort of a mystery.
- It's set on a non-Earth colony world and FTL travel is fairly commonplace
- There's a female protagonist
- One of the other characters has (I think) a business which does space exploration
- On his desk he has model space ships, but one of them is an actual alien spaceship with small dead aliens inside
- There are stories about ghosts haunting something, I think it's underwater or on a beach.
- The ghost turns out to be an alien AI which was supposed to protect the little craft but has escaped somehow.
- They went on an exploration mission in the past which went badly and that's how they came back with the tiny ship
- The stars Alnitak and Alnilam are involved - I think that's where they picked it up
- The protagonist steals(?) a spaceship and goes back to where the others originally found the ship to solve the mystery.
I tried searching around for Alnitak and Alnilam but because they're just real star names I haven't had much luck.