In the second episode of the second season of The Mandalorian,
Mando needs to transport a passenger and her eggs to another star system. He is on Tatooine and the star system is in the same sector and may even be the closest star to Tatooine. Yet, Mando cannot use hyperspace because it would kill the eggs. He has to get there with sublight engines.
I know Star Wars could give a crap about real science but surely John Favreau knows you can’t travel interstellar without moving faster than light. Even if sublight is the speed of light; it takes 4 years to get from Earth to our nearest stellar neighbor. Without this, it takes thousands of years.
Granted Mando does admit it takes a long time but by the way he says it; it implies maybe a few weeks. What can I tell myself to maintain the suspension of disbelief? I love science and I know Star Wars is science fantasy but this is logic and a basic common fact. You cannot get to other systems without FTL.