In Doctor Strange (2016), Stephen Strange is sent through the portal from the Hong Kong Sanctum to the New York Sanctum when Kaicillius begins his attacks. After wandering around for some time, Strange observes Daniel, another sorcerer, being killed by Kaecillius and his followers, but aside from him, there is no further resistance at the Sanctum (besides Strange). However, we see that at Kamar-Taj at the very least (and later in Hong Kong), there are several dozen if not hundreds of sorcerers following the Sorcerer Supreme. Why were none stationed in New York? If there were so many sorcerers, and the Sanctums were that important, why wouldn't they just station and/or train sorcerers at the sanctums rather than Kamar-Taj?

  • 5
    I believe the terms of art are "right-sizing" and "off-shoring.". All those people in Kamar-Taj - much cheaper. I'm sure "just in time" fits in there somewhere too.
    – DavidW
    Commented Aug 13, 2023 at 0:55
  • 2
    Since they have the sling ring, what’s the real difference between them being in New York or Kamar-Taj?
    – Ben Murphy
    Commented Aug 13, 2023 at 14:30

1 Answer 1


The Sorcerers are an eastern based operation

However, we see that at Kamar-Taj at the very least (and later in Hong Kong), there are several dozen if not hundreds of sorcerers following the Sorcerer Supreme.

It looks like, even for other western sorcerers who're recruited they physically travel to Kamar-Taj, and train there. Yes there are sling-rings, but the novices don't start off being able to use them.

If the Sorcerer Supreme likes it in Kamar-Taj, and people are following them, why change it?

Why were none stationed in New York? If there were so many sorcerers, and the Sanctums were that important, why wouldn't they just station and/or train sorcerers at the sanctums rather than Kamar-Taj?

The sanctums are very much off the books. I'm pretty sure I remember people saying they (the sorcerers) didn't interfere with other events, partly as some of these are 'meant to happen'.

So if they don't want to get involved in New York stuff, and nobody knows about the NY Sanctum, why would it need staffing. Anything deemed a 'sorcerer' level threat in New York could be travelled to with Sling Rings and use Kamar-Taj as the base of operations.

So it usually just falls on the New York branch to receive guests, which lines up with not needing many people there.

I'm not clear how things are run now that Steven Strange is in charge, but it looks like Wong is running the two eastern branches.

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