All I can remember is that it had some kind of Asian origin, probably Japanese, and that it always ended with a live (not animated) performance of a magic trick / illusion. I think it was a woman and possibly a man doing these tricks, and I have a feeling that they were supposed to be the live version of the show's characters.

Although, I can't remember if that was actually part of the show or just something that the Australian tv channel added afterwards. The only thing that I remember about the show is that they went on adventures to collect gems or possibly crystals that were diamond shaped, from memory. I can remember one episode where they collected a gem from underwater. And I believe these gems were inserted into some kind of wand or device or into something and then it did something special like giving them magic powers or possibly summoning something maybe?

I remember thinking it was a really good show but it didn't go for very long. As in, not many seasons. I was sad when it ended. I'm pretty confident that it isn't Deltora Quest.

1 Answer 1


I tried looking for this years ago, and I think it might be "Tenko and the Guardians of the Magic"

Splash Screen for Tenko and the Guardians of the Magic

Saban's Tenko and the Guardians of the Magic is an American animated television series that was produced by Saban Entertainment. It centers on the fictional adventures of Japanese real-life magician Princess Tenko, Mariko Itakura. After each episode, she would appear in a live-action segment to perform an illusion or do her "Teach-A-Trick," a segment that teaches the audience a simple magic trick they could perform at home. The show failed to attract an audience and production was cancelled after a single season.


A young female magician, already an experienced performer, is chosen by an old man named Tenko to come to his school for magicians and learn real magic. At the school, the young magician befriends a number of other magicians already attending the school and learning magic from Tenko. The new magician begins her training and quickly becomes the best magician at the school.

Impressed by her abilities, the master names the young magician "Princess Tenko" in recognition as his successor as the next Tenko and the Master Guardian of the Tenko Box, a magical wardrobe that contains many magic gems known as the Starfire Gems. Two of the most senior students, the twins Jana and Jason watch on. Jana become jealous of the newcomer when she is chosen to become Tenko's successor and conspires for rebellion. Jason tries to talk some sense stating that unlike Jana who had slacked off during training, Mariko is more responsible and therefore Tenko could trust her. She convinces him to help her and succeed at stealing two of the Starfire Gems for their own use.

When Jana and Jason are discovered, Master Tenko is overcome by their magic. In the scuffle, the Tenko Box is damaged, and the remaining Starfire gems are scattered all over the world and some through time. The twins escape as the new Tenko arrives in an attempt to stop them. Pleased with the young magician's abilities, Master Tenko entrusts Princess Tenko and his remaining students with Starfire Gems he had hidden away and the duty of recovering and protecting the other Starfire Gems from the forces of evil.


Teach a Trick

I hope it helps :)

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