There have been many disembodied heads depicted on Futurama, some of which have obtained some form of body at one stage or another (e.g. Nixon procuring 1st the body of Bender then of a Transformer, or the Star Trek crew in "Where No Fan Has Gone Before"), but there is only one beheaded body.
Headless body of Spiro Agnew, only to later become clone of the Headless body of Spiro Agnew after an encounter with a golf cart, is the only notable example of a body without a head.
Given that Futurama comedy writers are known to bury jokes deep (it took me a long time to get the background of the joke with 'Nixon & Chequers the dog'), I was wondering if there was some 'in universe' reason for Agnew being headless.
I was hoping it might be for a comment to the effect 'We can all make it through this, if we can just keep our heads..' in relation to Watergate or .. they asked permission to portray him and were threatened with law suits if they depicted his 'face or voice in any form'.
Of course, it might come down to the 'rule of funny', after all, Agnew's headless body is always comedic, and the entire comedy vehicle could be justified purely for Nixon's single line while waiting to leave Earth on a stone space craft..
I still don't see why you get the window seat..
Is there a definitive reason why Spiro Agnew is depicted headless?