Does anyone remember the name of a movie where there are two guys that are friends in the present and one had a family and was struggling financially. The friend goes back into the past (don't remember how or why) and while he is there meets his other friend as a young boy and tells him to "remember the word Yahoo". When he gets back to the present his friend has invested in Yahoo stocks and done well. It was only a side story of the real story but all I can remember about the movie.
1 Answer
Frequency released in 2000 has this as a quote, and it's given to a friend so that he can invest.
"I want you to remember this word, okay? It's kind of like a code word: Yahoo. Can you remember that?"
It revolves around a radio that reaches 30 years into the past to talk to his dad, and is used to help solve a serial murder.
5“I also want you to remember to sell before 2001. And back up any data you add to once they buy it.” Commented Aug 14, 2013 at 23:12